
Our pricing structure
is designed
to reflect the
personalized nature
of our services
and is
always tailored
to meet
your specific needs & goals
following an initial
consultation & examination
Dysport • Daxxify | Botox • Xeomin • Jeaveau
Total pricing is irrespective of brand
Pricing Per Unit per Treatment Session on All Areas of Body
2 units Dysport/Daxxify = 1 unit Botox/Xeomin/Jeaveau
Total pricing is irrespective of brand
$5.00 | $10.00
1-110 units | 1-55 units
$5.00 | $10.00
$4.75 | $9.50
111-149 units | 56-74 units
$4.75 | $9.50
$4.50 | $9.00
150-199 units | 75-99 units
$4.50 | $9.00
$4.25 | $8.50
200-249 units | 100-124 units
$4.25 | $8.50
$4.00 | $8.00
250+ units | 125+ units
$4.00 | $8.00
Dynamic Wrinkle Reduction
Average price range
Irrespective of brand
$500 - $600
Full upper face
$500 - $600
$100 - $150
Forehead lines
$100 - $150
$150 - $200
Frown lines
$150 - $200
$200 - $250
Crow's feet
$200 - $250
Cobblestone Chin
Lipstick Lines
Bunny Lines
Corners of mouth
Lip Flip
10 units Daxxify | 5 units Botox
15 units Daxxify | 7.5 units Botox
Gummy Smile Reduction
10 units Daxxify | 5 units Botox
15 units Daxxify | 7.5 units Botox
Teeth Grinding Treatment & Jaw Tapering
Low Dose
Average Dose
Medium Dose
Large Dose
Shoulder Slimming & Neck Tension Relief
Low Dose
Average Dose
Medium Dose
Large Dose
Migraine Headache Treatment
Low Dose
Medium Dose
Large Dose
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
Low Dose
Medium Dose
Large Dose
Extra Large Dose
Nefertiti Neck Lift
Low Dose
Medium Dose
Large Dose
Extra Large Dose
Hyperhidrosis & Excessive Sweating
Average Dose
Large Dose
Restylane • Juvéderm • Versa • RHA • Radiesse
Full Syringe Pricing per Treatment Session
Irrespective of brand, type & dosage
1/2 syringe
1 syringe
2 syringes
3 syringes
4 syringes
5 syringes
6 syringes
7 syringes
8 syringes
9 syringes
10 syringes
Non-Surgical Facelift
Full upper face tox + 1 syringe filler
Full upper face tox + 2 syringes filler
Full upper face tox + 3 syringes filler
Balancing & Sculpting
1/2 syringe
1 syringe
2 syringes
3 syringes
4 syringes
5 syringes
6 syringes
7 syringes
8 syringes
9 syringes
10 syringes
Full upper face tox + 1 syringe filler
Full upper face tox + 2 syringes filler
Full upper face tox + 3 syringes filler
Lip Enhancement
1/2 syringe
1 syringe
1.5 syringe
2 syringes
Cheek Contouring
1/2 syringe
1 syringe
2 syringes
3 syringes
4 syringes
5 syringes
6 syringes
Under-Eye Circle Reduction
1/2 syringe
1 syringe
1.5 syringe
2 syringes
Chin Augmentation
1/2 syringe
1 syringe
2 syringes
3 syringes
4 syringes
5 syringes
6 syringes
Jawline Sculpting
1/2 syringe
1 syringe
2 syringes
3 syringes
4 syringes
5 syringes
6 syringes
7 syringes
Temple Restoration
1/2 syringe
1 syringe
2 syringes
3 syringes
4 syringes
5 syringes
6 syringes
7 syringes
8 syringes
9 syringes
10 syringes
For optimal outcomes, it is recommended that biostimulator treatments be divided into staged sessions 4-6 weeks apart
Total Pricing for all vials
Inclusive of all treatment sessions and can be divided into multiple treatment sessions
1 vial
2 vials
3 vials
4 vials
5 vials
6 vials
7 vials
8 vials
10 vials
13 vials
16 vials
20 vials
40 vials
Hyperdilute Radiesse
Total Pricing for all syringes
Inclusive of all treatment sessions and can be divided into multiple treatment sessions
1/2 syringe
1 syringe
2 syringes
3 syringes
4 syringes
5 syringes
6 syringes
7 syringes
8 syringes
9 syringes
10 syringes
$1 syringe = 3cc
Total Pricing for all 3cc syringes
Inclusive of all treatment sessions and can be divided into multiple treatment sessions
$1 syringe = 3cc
1/2 syringe
1 syringe
2 syringes
3 syringes
4 syringes
5 syringes
6 syringes
7 syringes
8 syringes
9 syringes
10 syringes
Kybella (deoxycholic acid)
Total Pricing
per Treatment Session and not divided into multiple treatment sessions
1 vial
2 vials
3 vials
4 vials
5 vials
6 vials
Total Pricing
Divided into multiple treatment sessions
12 vials/2 sessions
18 vials/3 sessions
24 vials/4 sessions
30 vials/5 sessions
36 vials/6 sessions
Under-Eye Brightening
Loading Period
Total Pricing for All Tubes for All Treatment Sessions
For optimal outcomes during loading period, it is recommended PRP treatments be divided into staged sessions 4-6 weeks apart
1 tube/1 session
2 tubes/2 sessions
3 tubes/3 sessions
Maintenance Period
Total Pricing for All Tubes for All Treatment Sessions
For optimal outcomes during maintenance period, it is recommended PRP treatments be divided into staged sessions every 3 months
4 tubes/4 sessions every 3 months
Hair Restoration with Fusion Tip Microneedling
Loading Period
Total Pricing for All Tubes for All Treatments with Fusion Tip Microneedling Sessions
For optimal outcomes during loading period, it is recommended PRP treatments be divided into staged sessions 4-6 weeks apart
1 tube + Fusion Tip/1 Microneedling session
2 tubes + Fusion Tip/2 Microneedling sessions 4-6 weeks apart
3 tubes + Fusion Tip/3 Microneedling sessions 4-6 weeks apart
Maintenance Period
Total Pricing for All Tubes for All Treatments with Fusion Tip Microneedling Sessions
For optimal outcomes during maintenance period, it is recommended PRP treatments be divided into staged sessions every 3 months
4 tubes + Fusion Tip/4 Microneedling sessions every 3 months
Hylenex (Hyaluronidase)
If filler was injected at NuYou
If filler was injected elsewhere average price
If filler was injected elsewhere and more than average amount of correction is required
1 Ampule
2 Ampules
Potenza by Cynasure Radiofrequency Microneedling
For optimal outcomes, it is recommended that microneedling treatments be divided into 3 staged sessions 4-6 weeks apart
Fusion Facial
1 treatment
2 treatments 4-6 weeks apart
3 treatments 4-6 weeks apart
Add Ons:
+Tranexamic acid
+Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
+Polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRN)
Skin Revitalization & Tightening
1 treatment
2 treatments 4-6 weeks apart
3 treatments 4-6 weeks apart
Add Ons:
+Tranexamic acid
+Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
+Polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRN)
Hair Restoration with Fusion Tip
Loading Period
Total Pricing for All Tubes for All Treatments with Fusion Tip Microneedling Sessions
For optimal outcomes during loading period, it is recommended PRP treatments be divided into staged sessions 4-6 weeks apart
1 tube + Fusion Tip/1 Microneedling session
2 tubes + Fusion Tip/2 Microneedling sessions 4-6 weeks apart
3 tubes + Fusion Tip/3 Microneedling sessions 4-6 weeks apart
Maintenance Period
Total Pricing for All Tubes for All Treatments with Fusion Tip Microneedling Sessions
For optimal outcomes during maintenance period, it is recommended PRP treatments be divided into staged sessions every 3 months
4 tubes + Fusion Tip/4 Microneedling sessions every 3 months
5mL Bottle | 16 - Week Supply | Shipping Included
30 Ampules | 30- Day Supply | Shipping Included
20 Ampules | 20- Day Supply | Shipping Included
10 Ampules | 10- Day Supply | Shipping Included
Your Journey Begins with
The Consultation
Your sucess is our ultimate goal.
Through the insights gained in our consultation, we can better understand your vision and work together to make it a reality.
We will discuss your desired outcomes and work together to design a customized treatment plan that suits your individual needs, timeline, and budget.